Facts & Figures

CAMION TRANSPORT Ltd is an efficient, customer-orientated transport and logistics company. We are part of the Swiss economy and society. As an independent family company we live ecological and social responsibility.

We have steadily expanded and developed our company together with our employees since it had been established in 1925. We look back with pride and are also strengthened for the future.

As «Lagerhaus Ltd Wil» in 1925; rebranded «CAMION TRANSPORT Ltd» in 1975

Subsidiary of the Jäger Holding Ltd
100% family-owned

1500 members of staff (nationwide)
including 60 apprentices

Branch offices
15 locations in all parts of Switzerland
Headquarters in Wil SG

Logistics areas
205,000 sqm storage space
  64,000 sqm handling area

Shipment numbers
Ø 7,500 shipments/day, Ø 750 kg/shipment, Ø 130 railway wagons/per night

Vehicle fleet
610 vehicles, 100% Euro norm 5/6 or A24 (electric motor)
including 3 hybrid HGVs, 2 Hyundai Xcient Fuel Cell (hydrogen), 3 FUSO eCanter,
1 E-Force, 1 DAF CF Electric, 2 eActros 300 and 1 eActros 400, 2 Fiat eDucato,
2 Maxus eDeliver 9 and 24 crane vehicles

ISO 9001 Quality management
ISO 14001 Environmental management
Swissmedic GDP certificate
Certification of the HACCP system
Friendly Work Space®
Swiss Arbeitgeber Award 1st place
FCOS Occupational safety

2025, 100 Years of CAMION TRANSPORT Ltd
2022, Swiss Arbeitgeber Award, awarded 1st place 2022
2021, Innovation fleet – learning by driving
2019, Joining the H2 Mobility Switzerland Association
2018, New service «Value Added Services» – value added in a nutshell
2015, First Swiss transport and logistics company to obtain EN 16258 certification
2015, Label Friendly Work Space®, as first Swiss transport and logistics company
2012, «Eco Performance Award» winner with «Eco Balance by CAMION TRANSPORT»
2010, Launch of the «Eco Balance by CAMION TRANSPORT» project
2007, Takeover of TDM Servizi Ltd, Cadenazzo (subsidiary)
2003, Merger with Kombi Verkehrs Ltd Wil
2000, Implementation of the bimodal rail/road transport system
1999, Radio system replaced by LogCom fleet management
1996, Takeover of Cargo Domizil in collaboration with Planzer Transport Ltd and Galliker Transport Ltd
1984, Establishment of Kombi Verkehrs Ltd Wil and start of rail services

Since 2000 we have taken over and integrated the overland transport sector and occasionally the warehouse logistics field of various companies.

These companies include: Transall AG, Zurich; H.+F. Langenegger AG, Köniz; Transport-Union AG, Muttenz; Transportus AG, Lucerne; Frischknecht Transport AG, Herisau; Louis Bossart AG, Rorschach; Roderer Transport + Co, Muttenz; LWT Lastwagen-Terminal AG, Muttenz; Borner AG, Winznau; Asta AG, Arbon; Jost Transport GmbH, Rümlang; Zünd-Transport AG, Altstätten; Von Bergen SA, Domdidier; Willi Schärer Transport AG, Pratteln.

These strategic takeovers have played a significant role in our growth.