

St.Gallen is blooming – and we’re helping.

The «Areal Bach» project

Areal Bach is a large area of fallow land in a St.Gallen district east of the centre. The ecological improvement of this land started last week with an innovative revegetation concept. A near-natural meeting zone will emerge over roughly 10.000m2.

A query asking if we could support the project by transporting trees came to us more than thirteen months ago. Spontaneously, we said yes. The environmental project was perfect for us. On 24 November 2020, it was finally time. We took 150 trees over three full loads from the tree nursery in Kesswil to the Areal Bach project.

«Green on time»: This project is for temporary use for at least 5 years. The area is to be transformed into a green oasis by next spring. Together with the population, something should be created in the next few years: A learning garden for practical teaching, children’s construction sites, a pump track, catering, a fire pit, a wet habitat for biodiversity and a generational playground.

We’re delighted to be a partner for this colourful meeting place!

More information about the Areal Bach project