

Inauguration of cargo logistics centre in Cadenazzo

After about two years of construction and an investment of 42.5 million Swiss francs (excluding land), CAMION TRANSPORT inaugurated its new cargo logistics centre in Cadenazzo on 16 November 2023.     Read more 


Onwards and upwards together: The takeover that connects services

Camion Transport AG is taking over the business activities of Hänger AG in Basel as of 1 January 2024. The two family-owned companies are pooling their expertise at the Wolf freight station in Basel and creating synergy potential together. The operational takeover includes all employees, the existing customer relationships and the forklift fleet.    Read more 


Qualification process passed! We are proud of our 16 apprentices!

Congratulations! Relief, newfound freedom: We sincerely wish all graduate apprentices an unforgettable summer.     Read more 


New building in Cadenazzo, we’re starting soon...

On the move from our current premises at Cadenazzo train station and the external warehouses to our new building at the new address “Ala Capelina 3”. The interest and curiosity are mounting, in the region too.    Read more 


Net zero can only be achieved together

Camion Transport Ltd plans to reduce its emissions to net zero by 2050. Suppliers are also required to achieve the target. At the same time, the family business makes a significant contribution to its mission for customers and partners as a logistics partner.    Read more 


We provide training – professional development as a matter of course!

With our staff development, we maintain and support our employees' performance and, very importantly: Enjoyment of work combined with strong team spirit is our daily ambition. We guarantee quality requirements for our customers and maintain an optimal balance between employee and company interests. Training and development – an investment that always pays off!    Read more 


Swiss premiere: The first eActros has now entered trailer operations!

The commissioning of our brand new gem, the eActros 300 6×2, took place on 2nd March. This means we are now on the road with an electrically-powered trailer vehicle. How will it compare with its counterparts which don’t have trailers?    Read more 


Tour de Romandie 2023: Logistics partner and stage start host

The fascination with cycling continues – and so does the successful logistics partnership between CAMION TRANSPORT and the organiser of the Tour de Romandie. We have a special role for the 2023 edition: Our branch office in Vufflens-la-Ville will host the starting point for the final stage of the Tour on 30 April 2023. Anticipation is high.    Read more