

Net zero can only be achieved together

Camion Transport Ltd plans to reduce its emissions to net zero by 2050. Suppliers are also required to achieve the target. At the same time, the family business makes a significant contribution to its mission for customers and partners as a logistics partner.

Camion Transport has been pursuing its sustainability strategy for many years. The focus is on measures that it can implement itself. The company transported the first parcel shipments by rail from Wil across Switzerland to Geneva as early as 1984. This was the birth of the dual transport system and railway network that connects the locations today.

We practice sustainability and start where we can achieve reductions in emissions effectively and directly. It is important for us to test what is possible immediately and to create added value for our customers and partners.

Josef Jäger, Director of Camion Transport

Timetable for net zero
The stages to the net zero target by 2050 are ambitious. The vehicle fleet is one focal point. However, the subgoals also include real estate and production sites, electricity supply and energy generation. «We equip new buildings with solar panels as standard, we retrofit existing infrastructure where appropriate», explains Andreas Hollenstein, Head of Infrastructure and Environment, and accentuates that «we want to run our own buildings to be climate neutral by 2035.» More important milestones are the emission-free delivery of the first inner cities by 2025 and urban regions from 2030. By 2040, more than 50 percent of the vehicle fleet should be emission-free. «However, our suppliers and partners must also do their bit. The availability of alternative vehicle technologies is an important prerequisite. Direct dependency is a challenge, economic objectives also play a part. We will only achieve our goal by working together», Hollenstein points out.

Added value for customers
The company positioned itself early as a sustainability pioneer with its consistent ecological focus. And even impresses today as an interesting logistics partner for potential and existing customers. They include Coca-Cola HBC Schweiz AG, bottling partner for «The Coca-Cola Company». The Swiss company has been relying on Camion Transport services since 2016. «We can only achieve our ambitious goals in the area of sustainability together with our good partners such as Camion Transport», says Jürg Burkhalter, General Manager Coca-Cola HBC Schweiz, «we are constantly working in close collaboration to keep the transport routes for our products as short as possible. The switch to greener transport solutions is also an important step in further minimizing our CO2 balance.»

The two partners take responsibility, are committed to the environment, and put all feasible options into practice. Because: Net zero can only be achieved together.

CT Press release – Net zero can only be achieved together