

On the pulse of the Tour de Romandie

Since 2020, we have been at the side of the Tour de Romandie as a logistics partner. On 26 April 2022, it will be time once again. Then, the starting signal will be given for the 75th edition of the cycling tour of western Switzerland. And we will be in the thick of it all with a lot of enthusiasm and pride.     Read more 



Two powerhouses – one in natural form, beefy with taut muscles, and one emblematic of a company with a lot of horsepower. The 107th St.Gallen Cantonal Wrestling Festival is taking place in Wil on 29th May 2022. CAMION TRANSPORT is the official sponsor of the bull who will be presented to the winner – a special honour.    Read more 


On tour with the eCanter

If the eCanter stays in its territory, it is a powerful, quiet and manoeuvrable van with a good range. This is the conclusion of Daniel von Känel, journalist at the magazine «Swiss Camion».    Read more 


«Friendly Work Space» – health at the centre

Healthy and satisfied employees. This is much more than just a major concern of Camion Transport Ltd, it is a central issue. As the first transport and logistics company in Switzerland, the family-owned company carries the «Friendly Work Space» label since 2015. After the first recertification in 2018, the second successful reassessment recently took place, followed by the ceremonial awarding of the label in Bern on 26 October 2021.    Read more 


Our new location: Hägendorf

As of 1 October 2022, our national network will have fifteen locations. We are moving into a railway property in Hägendorf, which is ideally located in terms of transport and has a total surface area of 43’000m².     Read more 


Our innovation fleet – Learning by driving

Finding answers to the essential questions that point the way ahead. That’s what testing our zero-emission innovation fleet is all about. As part of an overall strategy, we use various commercial vehicles with alternative drive systems in our day-to-day business. Our goal: The decision-making basis for the «green procurement plan» should be in place by the end of 2022.    Read more 


On the road on quiet tyres: FUSO eCanter

Half a year ago, we incorporated three FUSO eCanter vehicles into our fleet and were the first Swiss transportation and logistics company to do so. Kol Shtufi, a driver for CAMION TRANSPORT Rothenburg, tells us about his experiences.    Read more 


Yeah – Qualification process passed!

The years of learning are behind. Those difficult examination days are complete, they have passed the qualification process. Pure relief. This is how our training graduates feel right now – congratulations to all of them!     Read more 


We are part of the «Via del Ceneri»

Are you planning a holiday or a weekend excursion in Ticino? Then set off on the two-hour themed hiking trail, created by the municipality of Cadenazzo. And completed with the support of many companies, including us.    Read more 


So that bees gather…

Such were the tidings on our «Eco Balance by CAMION TRANSPORT» tailgate series in 2011. Now, exactly ten years later, we are the proud guardians of a bee colony.    Read more 


Tour de Suisse and CT – a «Winning Team»

«Never change a winning team». This old saying is absolutely justified in relation to the Tour de Suisse (TdS) and CAMION TRANSPORT (CT). We are now in our sixteenth year as the official logistics partner supporting the TdS. Franz Meienhofer, Head of Sales/Customer Service gives us an insight into the long-standing partnership.    Read more 


Tour de Suisse Women

Woman power on the opening weekend of the Tour de Suisse in Frauenfeld. This time, top female athletes will also be competing for the first time. Therefore, with the launch of the Tour de Suisse Women, a long overdue step has become reality at this year’s Tour de Suisse.    Read more 


Tour de Suisse 2021

12 days ago the big relief: The 84th Tour de Suisse will take place.    Read more 


CT and Vélocité Riviera – sustainability first.

Since December 2019, we have been in partnership with Vélocité Riviera for the ecological fine distribution with cargo bikes in urban areas. The collaboration has worked well.    Read more 


«Young Female Drivers» series

In the actual issue of SWISS CAMION magazine, the spotlight is on Angela Halm, our driver in Rothenburg.     Read more 


Roll sound. Action. Scene rolling!

That’s what could be heard early on Thursday morning, 15 April 2021, at our Schwarzenbach branch.     Read more 


Tour de Romandie

Logistics partnership in western Switzerland    Read more 


In a pioneering role once again.

CAMION TRANSPORT expands its alternative propulsion fleet.    Read more 


Giving the Gift of Happiness

Kim’s greatest dream was to ride in a lorry, a dream that was generously fulfilled by the Swiss lorry-driver community.    Read more 


Food For All

Help that arrives    Read more 


Hydrogen booming and perfect timing

Filling station in Rümlang    Read more 


Big steps towards the mobility of the future

We’re on the right track.    Read more